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CHLD 2017: Understanding Temperaments To Help Infants and Toddlers Learn And Develop

This course will define temperament and explain its importance in the development of infants and toddlers.  It will focus on five temperament characteristics - activity level, approach/withdraw, intensity, mood, and persistence.  The construct of "goodness-of-fit" will also be emphasized and strategies for interacting with infant and toddler children who demonstrate a variety of temperaments will be given.  Participants will have the opportunity to explore their own temperaments and to discuss case examples of infants and toddlers with extreme temperaments.
Course Topics:
  • Define temperament and identify the five dimensions of temperament - activity level, approach/withdraw, intensity, mood, and persistence.
  • Explain what "goodness-of-fit" means.
  • Identify temperament characteristics.
  • Identify strategies to adapt the environment to improve "goodness-of-fit" for children with different temperaments.
  • Recognize the importance of language in describing children with different temperaments.
  • Identify strategies for helping children with different temperaments adapt to their environment.
Course ID/# : 664/620053
Tuition: $20.00

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