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Presentation Skills

Presentations. Whenever people here that word they have an emotional response. Some people get excited and others (most) get nervous. Tracy Morgan recently said something about this, and it was perfect, “People who are nervous can’t wait for it to end. But people who are excited can’t wait for it to begin.” In this class I will focus on two main topics: You and Them. With “You” we will look at how to identify and improve your presentation style - how do you use your body, your face and your hands. We will talk about charisma and if you have it - and if you don’t how you get it. And I will give you some tricks and tips on how to use the Power of The Pause and how to tap into your vulnerability and use it to connect with an audience with integrity and authenticity. With “Them” we will discuss how you identify different personality types that will be in your audiences and how to both respect their needs and give them not what they want, but what they need. I will also give you ideas on how to maintain eye contact, what to do when your equipment fails and the Top 10 Things you must do before you present. This course is designed to give you exercises that you can do on your own to strengthen your presentation muscle and maintain a great attitude when it comes to presenting.
Course ID/# : 2260/700138
Tuition: $195.00

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