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Negotiation: Get What You Want

ID : 22840   
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Negotiation is a key skill for success in business and everyday life. Knowing strategies to clarify what you want and how to prioritize needs will ensure you get more of what’s essential. Having the skills to help others get what they want will improve relationships and increase your odds of success in the future. Work with a pro to learn how to plan, implement and win in the bargaining process. Save time, grow your business network and gain confidence when dealing with even the shrewdest of deal-makers. Invest in these skills now and reap a lifetime of rewards. Agenda Unit 1 Introduction to the Negotiation -Your natural bargaining style and how you can strengthen it -Understanding winning - the hallmarks of a successful negotiation -The steps to planning a successful bargaining process -Knowing your power sources -Balancing firmness and flexibility Unit 2 Option Building and Boundary Setting -Creating goals and priorities in the deal -Creating bargaining boundaries -How to build your options -How to create better options for your opponent, without giving away what you value Unit 3 Managing the Negotiating Process -Managing the process -Managing yourself -Managing the other side -Managing relationships -Managing communication Unit 4 Black Belt Skills -Planning to give more and get more -Developing a BATNA, knowing when to employ it -Crafting the agreements and commitments -Diverting tricky tactics and attempts at dirty dealing

Class Details

Online 24/7

NA - Online

CEUs : 1.6



Registration Closes On
Friday, November 1, 2024 @ 11:59 PM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
10/7/2024 - 11/1/2024 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM N/A - Online